Monday, July 16, 2007

Greens win first seat in Northern Ireland Assembly

The Green Party has celebrated an historical political breakthrough in Northern Ireland with the election of the first Green member to the Northern Ireland Assembly at the 7 March elections. Brian Wilson, the chairperson of the Greens in Northern Ireland was victorious in the North Down constituency, finishing third out of six candidates who were elected using the single transferable vote system.
Brian said: “I am thrilled to have the opportunity of pushing forward Green Party policy in the Assembly. We are one of the youngest political parties in Northern Ireland but these elections have shown the level of support out there for our policies, and how quickly this support is growing.” Green Party Leader Trevor Sargent TD said: “ Brian’s election, which resulted from extensive cross-community support, means that there is now Green representation at every level of political power on this island. Today’s outcome is further proof of the growing tide of public opinion that is recognising that the existing political parties lack the vision and determination to create and maintain an equal, just and prosperous society for all of the people of this island.”

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